User Guide

Batch Actions

On this page you are able to delete or replace selected offer in all or in several campaigns and flows.

Just choose: Replace offer or Delete offer.

Replace offer

In the “Added offer” field select an offer from a dropdown list. From a “Replace to” dropdown list select an offer that will be added instead of selected one. Then click “Apply” button.

Offer will be replaced with the new one in all campaigns and flows where it’s added. After the replacement, offer will have the same share percentage in a path, as the previous one.
All changes will be displayed in “Task list” section, where you can export a CSV-file with all changes that were made: which exact offer was replaced, in what campaign/flow or the reason why the requested action can’t be performed.

Delete Offer

Select an offer from a “Offer to delete” dropdown list. In the “The offer will be deleted in:” section you will see the full list of campaigns and flows (with the archived ones), where the offer is added and where it should be deleted from (from which campaigns and flows).

At the same time the share percentage of this offer will be equally distributed among the remaining offers.

When all settings are made click “Apply“.

All changes will appear at “Task list” section, where you can export a CSV-file with all changes that were made: which exact offer was deleted, in what campaign/flow or the reason why the requested action can’t be performed.