December 11, 2015

Create Your Traffic Source with AdsBridge

Hey everybody,

We continue to publish useful posts relating to the basic fundamentals of working with the tracker.

Today, we want to share some info how to create and set up your traffic sources with AdsBridge. Also, we will try to answer the frequently-asked questions about tokens and macros.

With our detailed and simple instructions, you can easily add the traffic source and apply it into your campaign with AdsBridge.

The screenshot shows our interface for setting the traffic source which can be used for your campaigns.
Let’s see how these fields function.


You can use any traffic source and even set it up yourself for any purpose. However, we prepared the list of preset traffic sources for our users. In the list of templates we added the trusted traffic sources, our partners:
– ExoClick
– TrafficHunt

We also added the list of templates with the most popular traffic sources, it includes:
– 50onRed (Intext, Pop, Search)
– AirPush
– BuzzCity
– Decisive
– Go2mobi
– Google Adwords
– InMobi
– LeadBolt
– MobFox
– PlugRush
– PopAds
– Reporo
– TrafficFactory
– TrafficForce
– TrafficJunky

If you found the needed traffic source in the list of the popular ones, you can go ahead and choose it. All settings will be filled automatically.
In case you didn’t find one, then you will have to set a traffic source yourself.

PLEASE NOTE: the setting of the campaigns tokens and S2S Postback for tracking are not that critical. If you need to get information about your traffic with the use of your traffic source tokens or you need to send conversions to the traffic source, you can skip these settings and move on to campaign creation.


Please name your traffic source in this field. Please note that there is a list of forbidden characters that can’t be used (the name must be not less than 3 characters and consist of a-z‚ A-Z‚ 0-9‚ – ‚ _, *, /, &, [, ], (, ), !, №, %, ?, @, #, <, >, +, comma, full stop).


This checkbox is responsible for the function that is available for users with Professional and higher subscription plans. With the help of this function, you can use CPM model (cost per mille/thousand of impressions) for more precise cost calculation under the same conditions on the traffic source.
In order to set up tracking of impressions, you  need to mark the checkbox. When choosing the corresponding traffic source in the drop-down list while creating campaigns, at the bottom of the screen you will see the URL that you need to add to your image pixel and then to place this pixel to the banner to calculate your impressions. Unfortunately, not all traffic sources have an option for setting such pixel. In this case, please contact your traffic source manager and ask for assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: This URL will not redirect users to the offers, do not use it as your campaign URL.


If it is necessary to pass any information from the tracker back to the traffic source, you need to enter the postback URL of your traffic source in this field. Otherwise, this URL is not required.
In case you use the preset traffic source, please pay attention to the URL. If it includes parts like REPLACE download

then you should substitute it with the correct value of your ID from the traffic source side.
You can also contact your traffic source manager and get the postback URL for AdsBridge.


This list includes all parameters which you can add to postback URL of your traffic source for passing information.
Please note that the adding of the parameters <parameter1><parameter2><parameter3> is not correct, and with such setting the postback URL won’t work. It is necessary to type the name of the parameter in the URL in which the traffic source can take the needed value, and only then add a parameter. Here’s an example: parameter1=<parameter1>& parameter2=<parameter2> and so on (however, the format of links can vary, some traffic sources can take parameters through /,: and other characters).


Tokens are the definite values which can be added to your campaign URL for passing their values from a traffic source to AdsBridge, or target site. Please request these parameters from the representative of your traffic source.


It is meant for passing the unique  identifier of click  on an advertisement from every user.   Its setting does not influence the tracking on the side of our platform, but if you need to pass conversions back to the traffic source, this parameter is the key.
It consists of the name and macro which you need to specify with the representative of your traffic source.


This token is meant for passing the dynamic value of costs from your source. In the campaign settings you can indicate the static value, and if the dynamic value will differ from the previously set static one, the dynamic value will be chosen for statistics calculation, as the one that is more relevant at the moment. This function is available only for CPV and CPM models (using CPM models you need to pass the cost of 1000 impressions, because the received value will be divided by 1000 and assigned to each impression).


These tokens are used for creating unique URLs for your campaigns and to pass parameters from the traffic source to AdsBridge or to the target site (affiliate network). The setting up is carried out in 2 steps:
– enter the token’s name (this name will be displayed in your campaign URL so that you can choose it by yourself);
– enter the value of token. If the value is static (for example, you have token “banner” and you will receive the value “1” for each visit in it), you can enter the needed value in the “Value” field. If the value is dynamic (is different for each click on your campaign URL), then in the “Value” field you’ll have to enter the traffic source’s macro (which will be replaced with the corresponding value every time the users click on your URL).
Values of macros should be specified with the representative of your traffic source.
1. Static token value: you have 4 buttons in your email creative and you want to track which button converts better. To do this in your campaign URL you need to add the token …button=. When pasting the campaign URL on the 1st button, in the campaign URL after the token …button= add the value 1, e.g. button=1, on the 2nd button – …button=2, on the 3rd and 4th – …button=3 and …button=4 accordingly. When the user will press the 1st button, in the AdsBridge statistics in the Token1 column you will see the value “1”, the 2nd button – value 2, etc.
2. Dynamic token value: you buy traffic from the traffic source (ad network) and you want this source to pass you the name of the sites the traffic is coming from. To do this, in your campaign URL you need to add, for example, token …site= and after the “=” you’ll have to place the traffic source’s macro, which will be replaced with the corresponding value, for example site=[site_id] (the value of this macros you can get from the representatives of your traffic source). Thus, in  AdsBridge statistics in the Token1 column you will see the values site1, site2, site3 … siteN for each visit.

Please note that there are primary and additional tokens in our system.
There can be only 6 primary ones that will be shown in statistics of our tracker.
Additional tokens won’t be stored in our statistics, but they can be passed to your affiliate network, and you will be able to view their values there.

Please note that the shown URL is not final for your campaign. By adding Sub ID when setting your source, you can see how your campaign URL is changing.

Hope that this video guide will be useful to you

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