October 23, 2019

How to Create Attractive Halloween Content

All Saints Day can be a great occasion to attract the attention of your audience. You have an awesome opportunity to exchange monotonous and often boring ads for conspicuous creatives. AdsBridge team wants to present you some inspiration before Halloween and come up with useful tips on how to change the view of your ad and raise more money!

Your content should be understandable to the audience

Sometimes in the pursuit of originality, affiliate marketer goes overboard with creativity and the main message of the campaign is lost. Therefore, when creating new advertising, make sure that it’s still clear which vertical you are promoting.

Let’s take for example dating vertical. You can keep your CTA (call to action) the same but how about to change the look of the people on the pic?

Or here is another example of gay dating promo:

The boundaries of your ad

Users must clearly understand where the boundary between the site’s content and the ad goes. We recommend that you add visible borders to the advertisement that do not match the background colour. For this, a contour, 1px thick of any contrasting colour, except for white and colourless, is suitable (meaning transparent, like a background in PNG format). Even if the ad has a black background, it’s still a good idea to add borders. Try it, you won’t regret it.

For instance, this is how cams vertical ad looks like.

Agree that this option explains the service as transparently as possible and at the same time the background reminds of a special event.

Where to get such traffic? You always have some mainstream adult traffic sources with the huge amonuts of traffic for Halloween or any other occasions, such as trafficjunky (by the way, here is trafficjunky review and guide).

You have only one chance to get noticed

Due to high competition, any advertising platform is a battlefield. If you want a user to see your ad and click on it, you must create a really attractive creative. Imagine what looks better: bare text or text with an image? This is not even discussed. Try adding a quality image with meaning to your ad, whether it be a product, place or person. If it’s hard to find the right image for your product/service, spice up your ad with abstract design elements.

For example, this option will be ideal for those who work with weight loss vertical. There is text with the picture that catches your eye.

Know your product

In order to sell something, you need to develop a presentation of the product – what you can offer your customers. At this point, many marketers make the mistake of sitting in front of a blank monitor screen or a piece of paper and looking for inspiration. And what do experienced marketers do?

No matter what you sell, start by summarizing all the data that is about the product. How it was created, what properties, how it differs from competitors, are there any unique characteristics. The latest information is especially important – it will form the basis of writing future headings of advertising ads. Just start by summarizing everything you know about the product, and ideas will soon come to your mind themselves.

Those, who work in sweepstakes vertical knows that the most important for the gamer is to know the amount of sweepstake ticket. So here will be the best option to highlight this number.


Do not stop there, improve even the highest results. One small change in the title or colour that you use can turn a failed campaign into a winning one. Measure advertising results and optimize them.

You can let your creativity go mad and use our landing page builder creating new ads, or you can check our archive of ready-made templates in AdsBridge tracker. With the help of this tool, you can create your own ads from scratch, or by downloading (well, or writing) HTML code. Moreover, if you have lack of time, there is no need at all to look for the best offers and create content. Try our SMARTLINK where all the best offers have been already collected for you!


Happy Halloween Everyone!


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