Native advertising. How to avoid mistakes?
May 13, 2020

Native advertising. How to avoid mistakes?

You’re surfing the internet and reading useful materials, then suddenly realize you have faced with ads message? Meet native advertising?

Such a product is logically woven into the article, the format of the app or site where it is posted. Regular advertising is created to be noticed, and the native’s spotlight is sharing. So, the viral potential of the native one is by far greater. Sit back since the AdsBridge team will help you figure out native ads’ fundamentals.

Native ads essentials and effectiveness

A native ad is a core trend of content marketing. Large brands gladly communicate with their audience this way and generously invest in this format. When seeing the ads, the consumer reckons it’s meaningful.

Native is not about a product demonstration or tricks like “buy 2 pairs of shoes and get 3rd free”. Basically, a native ad is a generous brand message, and the laymen not always understand that the material is sponsored. Its intention is not being an eyesore but helping a user to solve his problem.

The benefits for advertisers and brands

?advertising is posted in the user’s ​​visual field (TV, radio, social media, news portals);

?it sticks in memory due to the quality of information and the tasks it solves;

?lack of pressure and touting to the consumer boost confidence in the product;

?properly integrated material does not interfere with the process of getting insights into the content;

?cross-platform support (high adaptability).

Let’s investigate the classification of native advertising

Sponsored content (influencers)

Remember your favourite movies and series? Film characters wear certain branded clothes, gadgets, have some drinks.

 Quite often we drop upon the native ads in social media. Instagram has become an outstanding platform for promoting goods and services.

On Instagram, we read ads on the profiles of show business stars, bloggers, and opinion leaders. People share their experience of testing a product, tagging it. Readers visually filter out this tag by focusing on the real writer’s experience.



Recommended Content

Everyone noticed that after watching Youtube video or reading information across the network, we are offered related topics. This content satisfies your search needs. These videos are not likely to be an aggravator since we see the same font, colors, structure. The only difference is the distinctive mark on top.

In-feed ads

When opening social media, news feed is full of events from your friends and communities, you can notice sponsored posts targeted to a specific audience.



5 steps to success

Detailed investigation

Perfect content preparation with smart adapted material, this is half the battle. Content won’t attract those who are simply off on the selected sites. Conduct monitoring, track the competitors’ materials. But don’t copy the competitors. We all tend to make mistakes.

Meet the audience expectations

Your link does not correspond to the subject matter – then, nothing will save. Disregard of the audience’s emotions is fraught with bad publicity. Simply provide the user whatever he needs!

Set up resources

Entrust the creation and adaptation of the native ads to those with impressive expertise in this area. Pricey enough but you have to produce quality content. Quality is in demand. Google will respect you for the usefulness.

Information reliability

When it comes to quality advertising, there is no room for manipulation and fast-talkings. Among readers, there will certainly be those who are qualified in particular subjects and doubtful ones. Be honest and open.

Orchestrated efforts

You have to be prepared for traffic. Tune-up the accurate operation of web analytics, test the landing pages. Conduct risk management and ensure team integration.

In addition

Native advertising boasts a long history. Since recently we observe its global entrenchment.

As of today, the video is a top format since it excludes a gap between brands and pop culture.

In-feed is seamlessly integrated into user feeds. Designed identically with content, it only distinguishes by an ads input. Common advertising is annoying, while in-feed allows the content to remain integral.

Be creative and interactive. Brands compete in using gamification and interactivity. Encourage yourself with outstanding examples.

When creating native advertising, always think as a user, and try to realize: why should this be interesting to me?

Best of luck and be native?

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