AdsBridge vs Voluum

Compare two services, highlight the main features and make the right decision for successful ad campaign tracking

Data Centers 7 AWS Regions 7 AWS Regions
Notifications Mail and desktop Push notifications, starting from Profit $149/month
Detailed statistics 50+ filter parameters and 7 sections for each element of the campaign
Batch actions
Smartlinks 9 verticals + FREE tracker
Offers Market in-house offers from direct adverts offers preview from the integrated networks
Landing Page editor in-built visual and HTML landing page editor with ready-to-use templates
Domain buying
Dedicated Domain with SSL Unlimited FREE SSL 1
Custom Domains Included From 3 to Unlimited From 1 to 5
Conversion Cap
Custom Conversion Tracking
Conversion upload Upload and Update Upload
Manual Cost Update
Tracking without redirects (organic traffic tracking)
Extensive Reporting
Data History 6 months 3-12 months
Rule-based Targeting
Multi-user yes, starting from PRO $89/month available in Grow $449/month
Daily cap Clicks and conversions Conversions
Trial period 14 days FREE trial for any plan
The cheapest plan availbale $29/month $69/month
The features included in the cheapest plan 6 Months of Data Retention
Unlimited Active Campaigns
3 Custom Domains SSL
Dedicated Email and Skype onboarding
Advanced Reporting & Targeting
Automatic A/B Testing
Tracking without redirect
FREE clicks, conversions
FREE smartlink
Core functions for tracking campaigns
In-built landing page editor
Bot and Proxy filter/detection
Cost update
Conversion update/upload
JS third-party pixel
Conversions cap
Detecting uniques users
6 Months of Data Retention
Unlimited Active Campaigns
3 Custom Domains SSL
Dedicated Onboarding
Advanced Reporting & Targeting
Automatic A/B Testing
Events Included in the lowest plan 100,000 visits / month
Track cliсks, impressions, but pay for visits only
1,000,000 events / month
Overage Charge in the lowest plan $0.04 / 1,000 visits $0.07 / 1,000 events
Bot Traffic
Known Bot Filtering
Rule-based IP/UA bot blocking
Auto-detection and Anti-fraud Details Overall estimate basing on 10 metrics 10 metrics (should be set up manually)
Automatic Campaign Optimization Paths and rules optimization Paths optmization
Personal manager
Free resources
Live Webinars
Step-by-Step Guides
Video Tutorials

Still hesitate?

Switch to AdsBridge, we will transfer all your settings automatically from Voluum and it will absolutely FREE!

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