Split testing

What is split testing?

Split testing is a practical testing method that helps to evaluate the website performance and any part of it. It implies conducting an experiment, in which two sites or elements are compared. The achieved results are analyzed and evaluated.

A/B testing is popular and considered to be the best testing method used in marketing. When you work with online advertising, it is necessary to conduct tests to determine which ad type is more effective, what banners attract more users, and what ad text motivates customers to convert.

Why do you need split testing for your site

A good website can always be improved. Statistics show that even the visual part of a registration button can affect the number of conversions. To know exactly how the site’s performance will change after making several changes, you need to do a/b split testing.

On your site, you can test:

  • Design. You can check how attractive is the site for users, how appealing it is and whether it fits modern tendencies. A bad design leads to a large percentage of leaves, that’s why you need to test diverse variations.
  • Content. The textual content of the site plays a huge role in the performance. The content must be interesting and readable. Its placement and quantity should be harmonious.
  • Buttons. The layout, size, color, and position of buttons on the site are the core for conversions.
  • Images. Interesting images that drive attention hook in the user. Often, the wrong images are the reason for the low website performance.

The online tools come in handy when you collect statistics and analyze the results using the website split testing.

How does a/b split testing works on AdsBridge?

AdsBridge provides tools to help you precisely set a/b split testing to analyze various elements.

On AdsBridge you can split test:

  • Landing pages
  • Offers
  • LPs with offers
  • Traffic distribution rules
  • Traffic paths

The AdsBridge functionality allows you to make the most accurate splitting of elements and determine which landing and offer paired with it bring higher results. The traffic distribution conditions let you set the path in such a way that the most relevant traffic goes to the required landing page and offer.

The effectiveness of all links can be viewed in the detailed statistics by a campaign, rule, or separate path. You can also view statistics by a specific landing page or offer and analyze which rule, condition, and connection brings more conversions and higher performance rates.

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